New Member Form

Personal and Registration Information
* Mandatory field
* 必須填寫項目
Parent, Legal Guardian or Payer Information
Personal Information Collection Statement 個人資料收集聲明

The personal data collected from this form will be used for the purpose of handling the above subscription and related matters (including but not limited to application, confirmation and communication). Such data will be destroyed within reasonable time after the expiration of the subscription. If you have not filled in all mandatory fields, we may not be able to process your subscription. You have the right to request access to and correction of information held by us about you. For details, please view our Company’s Privacy Policy Statement.

此表格收集的個人資料將用於處理上述訂閱及相關事宜(包括但不限於申請、確認及聯絡)。這些資料將在訂閱到期後的合理時間內被銷毀。 如閣下沒有提供所有必須填寫的資料,我們可能無法處理閣下的訂閱。 閣下有權要求查閱及更正我們持有關於閣下的資料。 詳情請查閱本公司的《私隱政策聲明》

  1. the above Personal Information Collection Statement上述《個人資料收集聲明》;
  2. Subscription Terms and Conditions《訂閱條款及細則》;
  3. Terms of Use 《使用條款》; and 及
  4. Privacy Policy Statement 《私隱政策聲明》and Copyright Policy《版權政策》.
  5. We accept and agree to be bound by the above terms and conditions. 我們接受上述條款及條件並同意受其約束

You must agree before submitting.